Elite Physical Therapy

Phone: (315) 737-7300

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If you have any questions or concerns regarding any condition or treatment, please contact us. To schedule an appointment, please call 315-737-7300 or use our online Request an Appointment form.

Using a WalkerUso de un andador

Using a Walker

To use your walker, you will need to learn a new gait, or way to walk. Your healthcare provider will tell you to use either a non-weight-bearing gait (which puts no weight on one leg and foot) or a weight-bearing gait (which puts weight on both legs and feet).

Non-Weight-Bearing Gait

Image of woman with walker

Image of woman with walker

Image of woman with walker

1. Hold the affected (injured or weaker) foot off the floor.

2. Lift the walker (roll it if you're using a wheeled walker). Move it forward about 12  inches.

3. Support your weight on your hands. Swing the unaffected (uninjured or stronger) foot forward to the center of the walker.

Weight-Bearing Gait

Image of man with walker

Image of man with walker

Image of man with walker

1. Roll the walker (lift it if you're using an unwheeled walker). Move it forward about 12  inches.

2. If you have an injured leg, a new joint, or a weaker side, step forward with that foot first. Use the walker to help you keep your balance as you take the step.

3. Bring your other foot forward to the center of the walker.

Date Last Reviewed: 2007-01-15T00:00:00-07:00

Date Last Modified: 2005-04-04T00:00:00-06:00