Elite Physical Therapy

Phone: (315) 737-7300

Welcome to the comprehensive medical library of Elite Physical Therapy. The information shared below is provided to you as an educational and informational source only and is not intended to replace a medical examination or consultation or medical advice given to you by a physician or other medical professional.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any condition or treatment, please contact us. To schedule an appointment, please call 315-737-7300 or use our online Request an Appointment form.

Relieving Tension in Your BackC³mo aliviar la tensi³n en la espalda

Relieving Tension in Your Back

Make time to relax. Start by setting aside 5 minutes daily.

Being relaxed helps keep your mind healthy and your back ready to move. Take short breaks often. Walk around. Stretch. Switch tasks. Also give the following a try.

When deep breathing, let your stomach expand.

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a simple way to reduce stress. You can do it almost any time you need to relax.

  • Inhale slowly through your nose. Let your lungs and stomach expand.

  • Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds.

  • Exhale slowly through your mouth until your lungs feel empty. Repeat 3-4 times.

Common trigger points

Relieve Tension

Muscle tension can create tender spots called "trigger points." The tips below may help relieve muscle tension.

  • Press the trigger point if you can reach it. If not, lie on a soft tennis ball, or ask a friend to press the spot. Use steady pressure for 10-15 seconds. Breathe deeply. Repeat a few times.

  • Massage trigger points with ice for 2-5 minutes. Press lightly at first. Slowly increase firmness.

Date Last Reviewed: 2007-01-15T00:00:00-07:00

Date Last Modified: 2002-07-09T00:00:00-06:00