Elite Physical Therapy

Phone: (315) 737-7300

Welcome to the comprehensive medical library of Elite Physical Therapy. The information shared below is provided to you as an educational and informational source only and is not intended to replace a medical examination or consultation or medical advice given to you by a physician or other medical professional.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any condition or treatment, please contact us. To schedule an appointment, please call 315-737-7300 or use our online Request an Appointment form.

Lower Body Exercises: Quad StretchEjercicios para la parte inferior del cuerpo: Estiramiento de cuadriceps

Lower Body Exercises: Quad Stretch

This exercise stretches and strengthens your lower body to help your back. Do the exercise as often as suggested by your healthcare provider. As you work out, don't rush or strain. Use an exercise mat, pillow, or folded towel to protect your knees and other sensitive areas.

  • Stand arm's length from a wall. Place one hand on it.

  • With your other hand, grasp your ankle on the same side. Pull the heel toward your buttocks. Don't arch your back.

  • Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat 2 times. Switch legs.

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