Elite Physical Therapy

Phone: (315) 737-7300

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If you have any questions or concerns regarding any condition or treatment, please contact us. To schedule an appointment, please call 315-737-7300 or use our online Request an Appointment form.

Leg and Knee Exercises: Leg RaiseEjercicios para las piernas y las rodillas: Elevaci³n de la pierna

Leg and Knee Exercises: Leg Raise

This exercise is designed to stretch and strengthen your knee. Before beginning, read through all the instructions. While exercising, breathe normally and use smooth movements. If you feel any pain, stop the exercise. If pain persists, call your healthcare provider.


  • Don't arch your back.

  • Don't hunch your shoulders.

  • Sit on the floor with your _________ leg straight, the other bent.

  • Tighten the thigh muscles on the top of your straight leg. You should feel the muscles contract. Raise that leg 6-8 inches. Then lower it slowly and steadily to the floor. Relax.

  • Repeat ______ times.  Do ______ sets a day.

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